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Name of Competition (1/98)
The Vital Role of
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Communications in
The World Cup and Communications Development:
A New Vision? (2002)
A vital new position paper on expanding Universal Access
The amazing and encouraging fact about the World Cup quadrennial football tournament is
how thoroughly it captivates the entire worlds attention, more than any other
international event: more even than the Olympics, more than any Kings coronation or
Princesss funeral, more than any United Nations gathering or global economic summit.
The only two moments of recent history that can claim comparable worldwide awareness and
interest, for very different reasons, were the arrival of the new Millennium and the
September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, and these were (one hopes) unique,
one-time events. The World Cup proved again in 2002 that this singular international
sporting competition has the ability to rivet an entire planet of spectators for days and
weeks on end, and for those countries whose teams were fortunate enough to enjoy victories
deep into the tournament, it swept entire populations into a sustained frenzy of
nationalism and football enthusiasm.
And the phenomenon is still growing unrelentingly, for two important reasons. First,
the reluctant and tardy United States citizenry has finally come to join at least some of
the party, by producing capable competitive teams on the field, an increasingly
soccer-aware fan base, and most of all, a burgeoning market interest in soccer and World
Cup-related business opportunities. But the second and more significant factor is the
rapidly expanding utilization of information and communications technologies throughout
both the industrialized and the less developed worlds.
Click to download the paper (MSWord)
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