David N. Townsend & Associates

Communications Economics, Policy, Regulation


David N. Townsend & Associates offers professional, comprehensive consulting support to clients around the world in telecommunications economics, policy, and regulation. In addition to our expert group of Associates, the firm brings to all assignments a set of key information and technical resources, including the following:

Information Resources

Our extensive and growing library of paper and electronic information resources covers communications issues and policies from around the world. They include trade journals, reports, and other publications from all of the major international telecommunications publishers. There is also a wide variety of studies, databases, and specialized information derived from dozens of research and policy support projects around the world. Finally, we are in regular contact with telecom officials in numerous countries, at the World Bank, the ITU, and other organizations, maintaining an up-to-date liaison concerning the pressing market and policy topics in global telecommunications.

Economic Models

Among the most useful resources developed by David N. Townsend & Associates and available for client projects are DNTA Economic Models of telecommunications networks and markets. David N. Townsend has developed a series of computer simulation models over a number of years, which can be customized to analyze a wide range of market situations, whether competitive potential, demand characteristics, service costs, or national industry conditions. These are sophisticated, spreadsheet-based, data intensive models, but they are also designed to be interactive and user-friendly, and adaptable to specific client needs.

The following general DNTA Economic Models are available for adaptation to specific client projects, research studies, and customized analysis:


National/Regional Telecommunications Infrastructure and Market Models
Statistical models of the fundamental economic structure of the telecommunications industry within a certain country, state, or region. These models, which David Townsend has been developing and refining for over 10 years describe both the supply and the demand characteristics of the markets for local and long distance voice and data telephony, and for other elements of infrastructure such as cellular or cable TV networks. The models can be used to forecast the impact of changing policies, introducing competition, price and cost changes, and many other scenarios.
Cable TV, Consumer Video Services Market Models
A specialized model of the market for cable TV and other video services, developed to apply to both the Canadian and U.S. video markets, but adaptable to any other country. Takes into account cost factors for construction and operation of alternative video delivery systems (cable-based, telco-based), and the demand impacts of competitive television services on prices and revenues. Also can incorporate (or analyze as a separate model) alternative service and revenue scenarios for cable TV providers, such as Internet access, video-on-demand, interactive services, and so forth.

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